IYE NEW HOURS We will be opem on Sundays from 1 to 3:30 p.m.. We are also open noon to 5 p.m. Fridays and Saturdays and noon to 9 p.m. for the First Friday Paseo Walks.

Jim Simmons,
IYE Resident Artist
Jim has been turning wood for about 40 years and still learns more about the process each time he takes down a tree or turns on the lathe. Each piece of wood that comes from the trees presents its own challenge. The trees he takes are usually dead, dying, or from a construction site. Frequently he will get a call from someone who is taking out a tree and he needs only to collect the material and cut it into manageable pieces. The challenge, the creativity, and the satisfaction in the result are his motivation.
His goal in the design of the bowl is to reveal the figure in the wood and how the use of color and texture is applied to bowls from blanks that have been cut, sealed, and dried for several years. He invited fellow artists at IYE to join his show by producing tree art.

ChChandler Wilson
All the Colors, Sue Hale
Serenity, Jim Rezniceki

Woodland Path, Steve Childers

Steve Childers

Aspen Way, Sue Hale
Aspen Celebration, Steve Childers

Windswept, Jim Rezniceki

Olympic Twilight, Jim Rezniceki